2022 KFN
International Symposium and Annual Meeting
New Frontiers for Green Biotechnology
in Food Science and Nutrition
Oct. 19 (Wed) – 21 (Fri), 2022 ㅣICC JEJU, Jeju Island, Korea
2022 KFN
International Symposium and Annual Meeting
Oct. 19 (Wed) – 21 (Fri), 2022 ㅣICC JEJU, Jeju Island, Korea
10월 19일(수)부터 21일(금)까지 제주국제컨벤션센터에서 개최되는 국제심포지엄 및 정기학술대회의 포스터발표 일정을 안내 드립니다.
초록 제출 당시 부여받은 접수번호와 포스터 발표번호는 동일하지 않으며 접수번호는 임시로 부여한 번호이고 포스터발표 일정 파일의 번호가 확정된 번호입니다. 반드시 첨부한 파일에서 본인의 포스터 발표번호와 발표일정을 확인하시기 바랍니다. 특히 competition 신청자는 발표시간을 꼭 확인하시어 차질 없이 준비해주시기 바라며, 포스터는 공지사항 아래 게시글인 포스터발표 유의사항을 참조하셔서 제작해주시기 바랍니다.
아울러 포스터 발표 누락으로 인해 학회 진행에 차질을 주는 경우가 생기지 않도록 협조 부탁 드립니다. 부득이 못 오시는 경우는 아시는 분에게 부탁하시더라도 꼭 포스터가 부착될 수 있도록 해주시기 바랍니다.
※ 포스터는 사전에 제출하지 않으며, 제작한 포스터를 발표 일정에 맞춰 해당 발표번호에 직접 게시하고 질의응답에 응해주시기 바랍니다. ※
The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to stipulate rights, obligations, and responsibilities of users and The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition and other necessary matters while using the integrated member service (hereinafter, referred to as "Service") provided by The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition (hereinafter, referred to as "The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition") homepage.
Article 2 (Effectiveness and Change of Terms and Conditions)The use agreement shall be concluded by the user's consent to Terms and Conditions and the approval of the user's application for the use by The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.
Article 5 (Application for Use)Users may apply for the use by recording their personal information in the membership application form required by the Society on the membership information screen of the Service.
Article 6 (Acceptance and Rejection of Application for Use)Members may view and revise their information at any time through member information management. When the information that a member filled out in the application for use has changed, it should be corrected and the member shall be responsible for any problems caused by the failure to correct the information.
Members shall not transfer or endow the right to use the Service and other contractual status to others and shall not use it as collateral.
The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition shall not be held liable for any damages incurred to the members in connection with the free Service except in the event that such damages are caused by the significant negligence of The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.
Article 20 (Exemptions)
Supplementary Provision (Effective Date)
These Terms and Conditions shall be effective from Feburary 1, 2022.
The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition collects the following personal information for customer center and customer consultation.
The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition collects personal information in the following methods.
The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition uses the collected personal information for the following purposes.
In principle, The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition does not provide the users' personal information outside. However, exceptions are made in the following cases.
The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition does not consign the handling of the customer' personal information to an outside company without the customer's consent. If such a need arises in the future, we will notify the customer of the subject for the consignment and the details of the consigned work and, if necessary, obtain prior consent.
In principle, after the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved, the corresponding information is destroyed without delay. However, the following information will be retained for the period specified for the following reasons.
In principle, The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition destroys the corresponding information without delay after achieving the purpose of collecting and using personal information. The destroying procedure and method are as follows.
Users and legal representatives may at any time view or modify the registered personal information of themselves or their children under the age of 14 and request termination of the membership.
To view and modify the personal information of the users or their children under the age of 14, click 'Change Personal Information' (or 'Change Member Information') and to cancel membership (withdraw consent), click "Cancel Membership" and after verification of the identification, direct view, modification or cancellation can be done.
Or if you contact the person in charge of personal information management in writing, by phone or by e-mail, it will be processed without delay.
If you request a correction for a personal information error, the personal information shall not be used or provided until the correction is completed. In addition, if the wrong personal information has already been provided to a third party, the corrected information will be notified to a third party without delay, so that the correction can be made.
Or if you contact the person in charge of personal information management in writing, by phone or by e-mail, it will be processed without delay.
The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition shall process the personal information cancelled or deleted at the request of a user or legal representative as specified in "Retention and use period of personal information collected by The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition" and shall not view or use it for any other purposes.
The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition installs and operates a device that automatically collects personal information such as 'cookie' or 'session' that frequently finds and stores your information. Cookies are small text files that are sent to your browser by the server used for the operation of the website of The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition and are stored in your computer hard disk.
The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition uses cookies for the following purposes.
You have the option of installing cookies. Therefore, by setting the option in your web browser, you can allow all cookies, check them each time they are stored or refuse to save any cookies.
However, if you refuse to install cookies, there may be difficulties in providing the service.
The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition designates a department and a person in charge of personal information management as follows to protect customers' personal information and handle complaints concerning personal information.
You can report any complaints related to personal information protection arising while using the service of The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition to the person in charge of personal information management or the relevant department. The company will give you a prompt and sufficient answer to the user's report.
Announcement Date: January 31, 2020
Enforcement Date: January 31, 2020
All cancellations must be submitted via e-mail (kfn@kfn.or.kr) to the Secretariat. All refunds will be processed after the congress and all processing fee will be deducted from the reimbursement. If you do not attend the congress without notice of cancellation, no refund will be given.
* Up to August 26(Thu), 2022: A 100% of the registration fee will be refunded.
* From August 27(Fri), 2022: No refunds will be given for cancellations received on or after this date.All dates are based on Korean Standard Time(UTC+09:00).