2022 KFN International Symposium and Annual Meeting

New Frontiers for Green Biotechnology
in Food Science and Nutrition

Oct. 19 (Wed) – 21 (Fri), 2022 ㅣICC JEJU, Jeju Island, Korea

Kor. Version

Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission Period

Abstract Submission Period
2022. 8. 16.(Tue) – 9. 18.(Sun)

Abstracts Submission Guideline

1. Abstracts can be submitted online via the website submission system in English or Korean. Abstracts include title, authors, affiliations, and body. The first letter of the title should be capitalized. Please use the format of author affiliation as follows: department, institution, and country.

2. The presenting author should register before the abstract submission.

3. Abstracts should be in a single paragraph without table, figure, keywords and references. Abstracts should not exceed 1,200 characters (Young Scientist Lecture session: 3,000 characters).

4. Poster Competition: You must check the required box in the website submission system.

5. KFN STAR Session: You must check the required box in the website submission system. KFN STAR session is the oral poster presentation competition program.

6. Graduate Student Presentation Competition: You must upload online abstract and the file containing the purpose of the study, the methods, a summary of the results and conclusion reached.

7. Food Product Development Competition: You must upload online abstract and the file containing the purpose, the methods, and the results for product development.

8. Young Scientist Presentation: You must upload online abstract and the 'Curriculum Vitae (Name)' file.

9. The applicants for graduate student presentation competition (master / doctor) and food product development competition (graduate / undergraduate) much check an appropriate academic degree.

10. Please note that no corrections are possible after the abstract submission deadline.

※If you are not accepted in graduate student presentation competition, food product development competition, or KFN STAR session, you could be considered for poster award applicant.